Do you want to wake up every day enthusiastic about life? We all have big goals, but sometimes motivation dips. And we lose track. Some small changes to our daily life can go a long way in achieving those goals. Here are some habits to boost motivation and productivity!
Set Clear Goals
The first step to feeling motivated about your goals is to set crystal clear goals. If you know exactly where you want to go and why you want to go there, it’s easier to avoid procrastination. While setting goals, think about their purpose and how they align with your values.
Start Each Day with Power and Intention
It is tempting to check social media or email first thing in the morning but it’s not the best start to your day. A wholesome morning routine has the potential to change your life. Indulge in some me-time before you start your day to help boost motivation and feeling positive. The best way to do this is to spend a few minutes checking in and setting your intentions for the day. Setting intentions is a powerful daily exercise because it is the intentions that allow you to take control of your life instead of passively reacting to it.
Avoid Multitasking
Multitasking is not as glamorous as it is made out to be. The human brain is not made for handling multiple thought processes simultaneously. So, when you multitask, your brain essentially switches between different tasks. This is not the most efficient way of using your brainpower.
You might feel like you got a lot done in a short time but chances are, you will end up burning out much faster. Monotasking or doing just one task at a time is the way to work efficiently. It ensures that the brain is focused on only one thing, so the quality of work is much better. Your productivity will also be higher in the long run.
Focus on the Most Important Tasks (MITs) First
One of the most important habits to boost motivation and productivity is prioritizing tasks. It’s imperative that you learn to get yourself out of the daily grind and focus on what is important to you.
As you prepare your to-do list, you will need to put in a lot of tasks that are not aligned with your goals. This can dampen your enthusiasm. Next time you plan your day, prioritize the top three tasks. These should help you reach your life goals. When you work on your goals daily, your motivation levels will rise too!
Keep a distraction list to stay focused
Do you find yourself bombarded with too many thoughts just as you sit for work? It happens to the best of us. Distractions are our brain’s way of reminding us of other things that need to be done. Making a distraction list is an easy way to deflect these thoughts and focus on the task at hand.
Start by keeping a notepad and a pen handy. Write down all the thoughts that come to you as you work. Once you are done with the task, go back to the list. If any of those distractions need to be handled, you can get to them now or schedule them for later.
Develop a Positive Mindset
Building habits that boost motivation and productivity is a long process. Despite your best efforts, there will be days when you feel demotivated, and procrastination creeps in. But it is important to develop a growth mindset to stay positive. You will get there one step at a time.
Attend Fewer Meetings
Meetings are a major time sink. They drain your energy without getting a lot done. Startups are increasingly encouraging fewer meetings to boost their employees’ productivity. Here’s how you can reduce your meetings
- Communicate asynchronously when possible. Send emails, make Loom videos, or drop a note on Slack.
- Excuse yourself out of a meeting if it does not apply to you
- Block work time on your calendar so that others cannot schedule meetings for you
- Use tools like Evernote, Magic Meeting, and similar to set agendas, meeting goals, and wrap-ups.
Use the Eisenhower Matrix to Plan
Prioritizing tasks can be confusing. A lot of things can seem urgent and important. The Eisenhower Matrix is a simple yet effective tool to decide which tasks get high priority. In this method, you classify your tasks into four buckets:
- Do: Tasks with deadlines. These are the tasks of the highest priority.
- Schedule: Tasks with no deadlines but contribute to long-term success. For example, taking a leadership course. These are a close second to the highest priority tasks.
- Delegate: Tasks that need to be done but do not need your skillset.
- Delete: Tasks that are neither important nor urgent

The matrix gives a fresh perspective on urgent vs important tasks.
Disable Notifications
It is difficult to stay focused when your phone keeps chiming. Email, social media, and other apps on the phone are the major distractors for most of us. To keep yourself from falling into a digital black hole, turn off the notifications on your phone. You can turn them back on once a major work for the day is accomplished.
Stay Organized to Boost Productivity
If you want to feel positive to boost motivation and productivity in the long run, staying organized is the way to go. When you are organized, you spend much less energy and time on mundane things. This frees up precious headspace for important tasks.
Here are some simple habits that will help you to stay organized:
- Create a to-do list every day.
- Update your calendar.
- Reduce clutter, both physical and mental.
- Schedule time for focused work
- Schedule time for email and phone calls
Focus on Self-Care
You can prevent or at least reduce burnout by focusing on self-care. While pulling all-nighters to accomplish tasks can be enticing, it is not sustainable. Consistent work towards your goals every single day is the secret to success.
Self-care need not be complicated. Simple, healthy habits and self-discipline are all it takes.
- Sync to the circadian rhythm: The sun is a source of energy. Our bodies are naturally in tune with the sun’s rhythm. Our energy peaks in the morning and gradually decreases towards the evening. Make the most of your day by syncing to the sun’s rhythm.
- Get enough sleep: Sounds easy? Turns out it is not. We often compromise on sleep. Pay attention to your sleep timings. Are you getting enough sleep? If not, prioritize it. Sleep does magical things to your energy levels, motivation and, in turn, productivity.
- Have some physical activity: Exercising regularly pumps your body with endorphins. Endorphins are happy hormones. They help produce positive feelings. So, move your body and keep the blood flowing!
Take Breaks to Boost Motivation
Breaks are an understated yet important part of the motivation regimen. To improve productivity, try to take regular breaks; take them even if you feel like you do not need one right now. The brain needs to rest for a bit too. It is only then that new ideas pop up in your head!
Sometimes short breaks every 30 minutes and a longer break every 2 hours are all that require a recharge. Here are a few ideas for taking breaks that will help you declutter your mind: Spending time with family or friends, taking a walk, reading a book or meditating are some great options for break time.
Learn From Others
Look around, and you will find people who stay motivated most of the time. What are they doing? What can you learn from them? You can also turn to many successful people who share their secrets to sustained motivation and productivity online. Some of these motivational people and their tips can help you with tried and tested methods.
Create a “Green” Workspace
Green represents nature. It produces a calming effect. The green color is known to have a positive impact on your productivity. Adding desk plants or creepers to your workplace can help you stay focused and improve productivity. What’s more, green looks great too! It goes with almost all colors. So, you don’t have to worry about disturbing the aesthetic. A plant will fit right in anywhere.
Learn from Successes and Mistakes
Mistakes are not bad; they are necessary to show you what does not work for you. They can be turned into valuable lessons. Most entrepreneurs swear on how their mistakes helped them grow. Reflect on your successes and failures. What worked and what did not? Use these insights to fuel your personal growth.
Break Tasks into Smaller Pieces
Big and seemingly impossible tasks are motivation killers. It is likely you feel hopeless even before you start. They can cause stress and lead to procrastination. The best advice is to break these tasks into smaller chunks. Accomplish the task bit by bit. This will not only reduce stress but also increase your self-confidence because you have now completed a task that seemed humungous.
Work Before You Get Motivated or Inspired
Motivation can be elusive. Most people tend to build up tasks in their heads. It can get difficult to be motivated about starting it. The trick is to start working before motivation hits. That way you will see that it is not too big for you. Your self-confidence will go up, and so will your productivity.
Find Repeatable Shortcuts by Automating Tasks
Do you find yourself doing the same mundane thing every day? Most people engage in repeated tasks regularly. These time sinks take up a lot of effort and energy. Look at your daily schedule and identify such tasks to automate and free up your time. You can stay focused on the tasks that really matter.
For example, instead of going to the grocery store to buy milk every day, you can get it delivered. Many businesses offer services that you can leverage to automate some tasks.
Time Difficult Tasks Efficiently
Not all tasks are the same. Some are more challenging and demand better focus. Time these difficult tasks for the most productive part of your day. Some people find that their best work happens in the morning, while for others, it can be in the evening. Identify when your motivation and productivity are at their peak, and schedule difficult tasks for this time. You do not want to waste this important window performing less consuming work.
Make Fewer Decisions
Do you know why Mark Zuckerberg wears the same grey T-shirt every day? It’s because he does not want to waste one decision on what to wear. Our brain can only make a finite number of decisions a day.
Make the most of your brain power by saving it for important things. To minimize the decisions you make daily, try to simplify the process as much as possible.
Don’t Make Your Morning Workout a Chore
Your morning workout gets the blood flowing. It is a generous dose of motivation. Ensure you look forward to it. Invest in workout clothes, join a gym with good equipment and trainers, and pump your body with endorphins every morning.
Eliminate Inefficient Communication
Inefficient communication just eats up your time and energy. Saying or explaining the same thing repeatedly can be frustrating. For example, you might send an email to your team with tips on preparing for an important business meeting. But it is of no use if no one checks their email. Use easier and quicker tools like Slack for communicating.
Plan for When Things Go Wrong
Make room for buffers in your plan so that when there are unexpected events and setbacks, you will be ready for them. Buffers will ensure that these setbacks will not derail your plan completely. Nothing demotivates more than a plan falling short.
Make a Clear List
Your to-do list sets the tone for the entire day. It is only natural that it should be clear. Use verbs and write exactly what needs to be done. For example, “clean the car” is much clearer and more actionable than “car” or “car clean”. And don’t forget to prioritize!
Write or Say One Goal x 10 Times
Positive affirmations are great. They convince your brain that what you are saying is true. Once your brain is convinced, you will accomplish it. Affirm your goals by repeating them regularly. You can write or say them out loud, whichever method works for you.
Set Your Alarm 60 Seconds Earlier
Waking up early is not fun for most people but did you know, getting out of your comfort zone is necessary for professional success or personal growth? Besides, it gives you some valuable me-time first thing in the morning. So, go ahead and set that alarm a little earlier than you need to.
Finding motivation in everyday life maybe difficult at times but once you get the hang of these habits, it will become easier with time. Look at the end result, and you’ll find that it is worth it because it will not help you get organized, productive, but also stay focus to achieve your life goals. So, which of these will you adopt first? Let us know in the comments below.
Feature image: Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash
Author Bio

Prakash CVS is an experienced writer and motivational speaker who is passionate about helping people achieve their full potential. With a background in motivational speaker, they have developed a keen interest in topics such as motivation and productivity. In their latest article, “10 Simple Habits to Boost Your Motivation and Productivity,” they share valuable insights and practical tips that can help readers take their work routine to the next level.