
How To Get The Motivation To Do Homework

Loving school is easy, but loving homework is not. You may like going to school to spend time with your friends and learn something new, but no one likes the pile of homework that looms over our heads upon returning home. So if you are wondering how to motivate yourself to study, you are not alone. Millions of students around the globe go to Google to look for motivation to do school quotes for a motivation boost and wonder the same thing: why is it so hard for me to do homework?

The good news is: you are not alone in having no motivation to do homework at college or school. The bad news is, you need to do it even if you don’t like it. So how do you make things easy for yourself and quit procrastinating when it comes to homework? We have got you covered.

All you need are a few easy lifestyle changes to make yourself more productive and meet all your deadlines. Let us look at some tips and tricks that can help you achieve this momentous goal and stop you from worrying about how to get motivated to do schoolwork when depressed. 

Let’s get started!

Give Yourself The Rewards You Deserve

The human body is very simple if you try to understand it and use its features to your benefit. One is the reward principle: pushing yourself to complete a deadline to get a reward. Rewards can be one of the most effective motivators and help you pick yourself along the way to reach your destination. 

Pro Tip

May it be a small landmark or a significant accomplishment, there is no wrong time to reward yourself. And the rewards don’t have to be something too elaborate: they can be as simple as a bite of your favorite chocolate or one episode of your favorite television series. 

But make sure that your rewards correspond to the immensity of the task you just accomplished. For reference, you deserve to go on a pizza night with your friends after handing in a lengthy paper. 

Give Yourself Pre-Accomplishment Treats

The reward principle is not just applicable to treats after you finish a particular job. It can also span out in the form of rewarding yourself before you start a task so you are motivated to complete it. All your rewards do not have to be placed in hibernation until you accomplish something: giving yourself a treat before plunging into work can help you boost your mood and elevate your spirits. 

Such pre-accomplishment rewards can be very simple, such as letting yourself enjoy your favorite snack or scrolling through social media for a few minutes. But such rewards can be tricky and may suck you in their lure. So make sure to designate strict reward deadlines to stay focused on the task at hand. 

Pro Tip: Japanese researchers recently found out that going through pictures of baby animals releases a burst of all the good hormones in the brain, making you more productive and efficient. So you do not have to search for motivation to school work quotes; baby animal pictures can do the job just right. 

Find A Motivated Study Buddy

Tardiness or laziness is not always the reason behind being unable to find the motivation to do your work. So if you think that “I physically can’t do my homework because of ADHD” or any other mental health condition, the best thing for you is to find a motivated study buddy who matches your personality frequency. 

Pro Tip

Working with a friend not only instills a sense of accountability in your work pace but also makes homework more enjoyable. Company matters a lot, whether in social gatherings or while studying. So make sure you go for someone as motivated to work as you so you don’t get distracted by them. 

It is important to note that working with a study partner does not necessarily mean working “together” on homework and collaborating on assignments. You can just sit next to each other and work individually, enjoying each other’s silent company and seeking motivation from it. 

Set SMART Homework Goals

Setting manageable and SMART goals is not just the way to navigate through life but also through piles of boring homework. Goals and deadlines can help you stay on track and traverse it with motivation, making the task at hand seem more manageable. But SMART goals are not just like any other: they are an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART) goals. 

Pro Tip

Always jot down your notes in your notebook or electronic device and ensure they pass the SMART criterion. This holds great importance because setting unattainable goals can plunge you downwards into the spiral of depression and worthlessness, making you feel unworthy of success and unmotivated to take on the rest of your goals. 

Since setting goals is a tricky business, make sure that you keep all factors in consideration before writing them down and give yourself a break. For reference, instead of writing, “I will finish all my English homework in a week,” go for something along the lines of “I will work on my English homework every day for two hours between 3 to 5 pm.”

Stay Organized

Staying organized is the right way to do everything in life, may it be homework or office work. The first step of this process is quite fun: going planner shopping! Get a decent planner and begin your day by mapping your tasks. Make sure that you give yourself due time to complete your tasks, and don’t set unrealistic goals that lead to frustration and gloom. 

Pro Tip

Another great option is to set up a seamless system for your course materials, which can be as simple as breaking things down on your laptop by making separate folders for each course. You can store your course materials, tests, and assignments in those particular folders, allowing you to find the right file within seconds. You can do the same for physical papers by storing them in separately marked folders. 

Choose The Best Working Space

Humans are all different, which means we have different preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. Just because your friend is great at studying in the library does not mean you have to too: quiet places may not be your thing. If that is the case, there is nothing wrong with trying out new study spaces, such as a cafe, a park, or even your bedroom. 

It is also essential to choose the right time to study. Some students feel more motivated and engerzied in the morning and sluggish as the sun sets, and vice versa. So whichever category you belong – whether a night owl or morning bird – make sure to embrace your individuality and study in the timezone that works best for you. 

Summing Up

Being a student is not easy, with your life dotted with unending assignments, lessons, quizzes, and exams. The looming pressure of making your own future can be overwhelming, giving rise to gloom and laziness. It is important to remember that it is alright to feel unmotivated to do your homework: it only makes you human! 

But at the same time, it is also essential to look into the possible tips and tricks that can help you overcome such hurdles and traverse the path to success. You may have to try a few things to determine what works best for you, but it is vital not to give up! No matter how much we hate it, the road to success is lined with homework. 

Best of luck! 

Staff Writer

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